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Taku Ozara

Senior Director Department2, Valuation Advisory & Consulting Services, CBRE K.K

Taku Ozora is the Senior Director of Valuation & Advisory Services in CBRE K.K., heading up the international valuation team. He is a Licensed Real Estate Appraiser in Japan and holds MRICS. Mr Ozora has 24 years of experience in the real estate industry. This includes 17 years of real estate valuation and 7 years in real estate finance.

Mr Ozora is experienced in handling sizable portfolio valuations and market advisory assignments for many different types of properties, developing strong relationships with many local and international investors, banks and researchers.

Mr Ozora has been a member of the RSA’s Self Storage Forum since 2016 and is a reliable source of valuation and market research reports.



2016年よりRSA for Self Storge Forum in Japanの委員を務め、投資セッションのパネルディスカッションのモデレーターを数回務めた。日本のセルフストレージ業界の人々や企業と強い関係を築き、バリュエーションレポートやマーケットリサーチレポートを提供することで投資家をサポートしている。

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